Physical Therapists Usual Examination Methods

Physical Therapists Usual Examination Methods

  • physical therapy degree

Physical therapists usually engage in examination methods that include:

  • physical therapists take the patients or clients health history.
  • physical therapists conduct a systems review.
  • physical therapists perform tests and measures to identify possible and present health issues.

Physical therapists establish prognoses, diagnoses, and plans of care, physical therapists make evaluations, incorporating the test data and deciding whether the difficulties to be discussed are within the scope of physical therapist application. Based on their decisions about the prognoses and diagnoses and based on patient or client goals,

The job of physical therapists are:

  • physical therapy careerGive interventions like the procedures and interactions done in managing and instructing patients or clients.
  • Conduct re-examinations.
  • Modify responses as needed to achieve expected goals and expected outcomes.
  • Develop and implement discharge methods.
  • Physical therapy can be administered only by fitted physical therapists PTs or by physical therapist assistants PTAs working under the guidance of a physical therapist.